If Your Current Home Feels Heavy, Then Something Needs to Change…

After years in investment banking, I found myself burnt out from the corporate rigor. Throughout my life, I had a love for expressive creativity, even pursuing a minor in Art History. The creative passion was always a part of my DNA, but it wasn’t until I burnt out that I began to really listen to what my heart was telling me—that I needed something different, or I would become a shell of a person.

This burnout marked the beginning of a journey of rediscovering my passion for creativity, leading me to interior design. I’ve always loved the art of creating a home, valuing how my family and friends felt in my space. I wanted to ensure we lived gracefully, whether in a cozy or grand home. Beauty drove me, guiding me to pursue my passion for interior design.

With a fire in my belly and a strong belief in betting on myself, I knew this was my destiny. I saved enough capital to sustain myself for an extended time, allowing me to pursue my passion free from financial struggle, with only an open heart and mind.

Elle Cole Interiors was born out of this journey. Each project, big or small, is approached with the same passion and dedication that fueled my initial steps into the world of interior design. At Elle Cole Interiors, we believe that transforming spaces transforms lives. We bring a personal touch and a professional eye to every project, ensuring that each space we design is not only beautiful but also functional and reflective of our clients’ personalities and needs. Everyone has a beautiful story to share, and their homes should visually reflect that story, surrounded by the people and things they love.

Every project I’ve embarked on since that pivotal moment of choosing to follow my heart has been a testament to the power of passion and creativity. That decision set the course for a career filled with a deep sense of fulfillment and joy. It serves as a constant reminder that the most significant changes often begin with a single, bold step. If your current home feels heavy, and isn’t serving you well – this is your invitation to trust in the process, embrace the unknown of transformation, and take that leap of faith. You never know just how profoundly your life can transform when you do.

Your dream home is within reach, and together, we can make it a reality.

Until next time, friend….


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